As a self-employed worker, you must face financial obligations, just like a business. Depending on your qualitative characteristics, you may be subject to obligations as an employer or to sales tax obligations. A certified professional accountant is the ultimate reference for demystifying these obligations and professionally managing your accounting.

Accounting services for self-employed workers


You can count on our certified professional accountants to keep your books with rigour and professionalism. Accounting complexity is a matter for an Activ professional. Unlike an employee, the income tax you must pay is not directly withdrawn from your paycheck. At “Activ tax and accounting services, we will keep a clear eye on your income statement so as to better plan the sales tax and income tax remittances.


As a self-employed worker, you are also running a business. We realize that the year-end process looms as a source of stress and anguish. The interpretation of your financial data must be wholly profitable and let you take full advantage of that period of the year. We are experienced in taxation and we will provide you with all the required tax assistance. We are on the lookout for legislative changes and continuously searching for new income tax reduction strategies.

Consulting Services

We have a good number of self-employed workers amongst our clients at Activ tax and accounting services. We hold in-depth knowledge regarding the problems surrounding you and the tax deductions that specifically apply to you. We can identify business opportunities with you and assist you with your strategic decisions. Be pro-Activ and take advantage of our advice.

Are you looking for specific information or accounting advice?

Contact us today and one of our specialists will get back to you shortly.